
I've written some books and created anthologies of many of my short stories and articles. Some of my family and relatives have also written books. - C. A. Broadribb.

My Books

I write my own material - I don't hire ghostwriters or use AI software. Any photos included inside the books are ones that I've taken myself. Some of the covers also use my own photos. (However, other covers were designed by other people.)

Click on one of the pictures below to open up an Amazon webpage in another window where you can read about or purchase the ebook. Sometimes, I set a temporary free promotion.

I've also listed works written by family members\relatives further down this page. Click here.

    Funny search engine results.

    Funny search engine results.

    Murder mystery, set in Sydney.

    Children's adventure story.

    Funny children's story.

    Very short stories.

    Crime fiction short stories.

    Badly written short stories.

    Short story fragments.

    Unfinished short stories.

    Constrained writing.

    Fantasy short stories.

    Unusual short stories.


    Non-genre short stories.

    Science fiction short stories.

    Short stories with a twist.

    Funny short stories.

    A collaborative story.

    Articles on arts.

    Articles on authors.

    Book reviews.

    Articles on IT topics.

    Funny articles.

    Cat and kitten anecdotes.

    Articles on various topics.

    A collection of quotations.

    Articles on serious topics.

    Articles on social issues.

    Travel articles.

    Articles about writing techniques.

    Writers' Handbook.

    Leadership suggestions.

    Tips from our furry friends.

    Tips on becoming famous.

    Find out if you're nuts.

    Find out if you're a penguin.

Writing by Family\Relatives

Click on one of the pictures below to find out more about the book\writing. Most pages will open in a new tab. Some of the books\writings are available for reading or download and others are available for sale.

    Pediatric nursing.

    Pediatric nursing.

    Pediatric nursing.

    Child care.



    Novel (disturbing content).

    Beautiful poetry.


    Children's fantasy novel.

    Religion (first edition).

    Religion (revised edition).

    Dream analysis.

    PHD thesis on Hebrew poetry.


    Unfinished novel.

    Article on Esperanto.

This is a list of writings in Esperanto and Esperanto translations of popular novels.


    Mirmekobo zines.

    Translated article.

    Translated novel.

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel (PDF).

    Translated novel.

    Translated novel.

    Translated novel.

    Translated novel.

    Translation (large PDF).

    Translation (large PDF).

    Translation (small PDF).

    Translation (small PDF).

    Translation (small PDF).

    Translation (small PDF).

    Translation (large PDF).